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By Bill Sargent & Mark Mansius
The Post Newspaper Contributing Columnists
College campuses are being riddled with dangerous, violent, and destructive demonstrations. Often these actions are causing considerable property damage. Groups were heard chanting death to Jews and other hateful rhetoric. Sadly, on many campuses, Jewish students received threats of bodily harm. Colleges canceled commencement ceremonies robbing parents and students’ rights to honor earned achievement.
At Columbia University, NYC police chief John Chell reported, “There were professional agitators on campus from day one.” Many were professionally trained protesters bent on causing trouble. They carried professionally made anti-Israeli signs. Some faculty members supported the destructive actions, others were paid professional rioters. They blocked or shut down campuses and roadways. Reportedly, these riots are being funded by George Soros, the Bill Gates Foundation, and a host of other well-known left-wing Democrats who have also contributed to the Biden reelection campaign. Is there any wonder why Biden is reticent to take action against these protestors and supports pausing the funding for Congressionally-authorized military aid for Israel?
The responses by some police departments have been excellent but the professional agitators still won because multiple colleges/universities have announced the cancellation of graduation ceremonies.
The 1st Amendment guarantees the right of assembly, it doesn’t include destructive activities. The disdain shown by the anti-Israeli protesters concerns us. Were revolutionists disguised as professors engendering this hatred for Israel? It’s clear this was an organized and well-funded effort seeking the destruction of Israel. In their view the Jewish people, and their government, must be destroyed; they’ve no right to exist.
We recognize that penalties for destructive behavior may vary, particularly when peaceful demonstrations turn into violent encounters – like when insurgents are purposely planted within a peaceful protest in order to incite violent/destructive behavior like with the January 6th protest. Treatment of peaceful protestors who have been easily led should be different from those inciting unlawful behavior. Sterner treatment should be meted out to demonstrators who are organized to be destructive, burn buildings, and take unlawful actions – like was the case in Portland, OR with the Black Lives Matter riots.
Scripture makes it clear that God will bless those who bless His people and He will curse those who curse them (Gen 12:3). Haman (in the Book of Esther), Hitler, and a host of others have attempted to annihilate the Jewish people and paid the price for doing so. We cannot support those who sanction the destruction of innocent lives – like what we saw with the horrific and brutal attack by Hamas against Israel on October 7th. Our leaders must quickly change course, support Israel’s right to defend itself and move swiftly to punish those who violently incite, threaten, or participate in hateful actions against Jewish people.
In our view, students exhibiting destructive behavior should be expelled. If done so at a state college/university, they should be barred from readmission at any state higher education institution for a period of five years. Private schools should follow suit. No refunds should be issued and no student debt should be forgiven for those found guilty of such destructive behavior. Finally, any foreign student or faculty member who takes such actions should be expelled, their visas canceled, and they should be deported. People should be allowed to assemble, and voice their objections for whatever cause, but the penalties for destructive actions must be firm, swift, and sure. That’s the only way this atrocious behavior will ever cease.