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Are you Sure?

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Dear Frankie, I have a friend who is very smart and reads all the time. She is also very generous of her time. If you don’t under – stand some – thing and ask her for an explanation, she is always willing to tell you what she knows or thinks. If she doesn’t know the answer to your question, she will tell you so and often say she will find out and get back to you. I feel very fortunate to have her as a friend and value the friendship. My problem is that when I tell her something, she will question me about what I said over and over. Let me give you an example. When I said to her, our mutual friend Benz told me he was working a night job to make extra money. She asked me why he would do that. The guy is loaded. I then said that’s what he told me. She will then ask if I know how much money airport service dogs make. And it will go on and on. How can I get her to accept what I say? Conrad Dear Conrad, Not everyone has the same communication style. Perhaps your friend is thinking out loud. What you told her doesn’t fit her view of the person, and she is trying to figure it out by posing questions about Benz to you. Her questioning may be about him and not your word. However, if you feel uncomfortable defending what you say to her regularly, cut the conversation short, say, “That’s all I know,” and move on to another topic. But don’t take it personally. Different strokes for different folks, as the humans say. Best, Frankie © 2024 Geneva Woodruff Comments and letters can be sent to  Frankie at dearfrankiecolumn@gmail.com. The Fairhaven Neighborhood News publishes the Dear Frankie column. To receive a free online subscription, readers can email neighbnews@comcast.net, request their name be added to the email list or visit www.neighbnews.com to read the paper online or to download the latest issue.  

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