Several years ago a couple of us at my job had borrowed a pallet jack from a business next door to our office, and I had volunteered to return it.
Now, even though I had never operated one before it seemed pretty simple.
Let’s see, there’s a handle and it’s on rollers so just pull. I can do that.
As I was looking it over a friend hollered out, “Brenda, you got it?”
I smiled and gave them a thumb’s up in faith, but as I began to pull the device back down the side of the road it would not cooperate. It made a super loud clanging noise as it dragged along, and it did not want to roll.
I knew it didn’t do this for the person who went to retrieve it. I was with them! It rolled smoothly, and fairly quietly as well.
But I was using all my strength just to yank it along. Curious drivers stared, slowing as they passed.
Beads of sweat began to run down my face, and trickle down my back. Clang! Bang! Scraaaaaaaap!
I was so embarrassed!!!
But I wasn’t about to stop on the side of the road and read the directions on the handle. It was bad enough the attention it was drawing as people standing out side began to stare. So I just acted like everything was normal and kept going.
I smiled and gave a few “Hi, how ya doing?” head nods.
A few minutes later as I was about to park it back in place I stopped long enough to figure out the problem. I looked at the directions and started maneuvering a smaller handle on the side. Well, I must have released, raised, or did something because suddenly it rolled with ease, and no loud clanging!!!
How does the old saying go? “When all else fails, read the directions!” Well, that’s wrong! It would have been much easier if I had read the directions on the handle first. Lol!
I was thinking about this incident one day when the Lord showed me that this relates to how we chose to live our lives.
From the time I began to examine the pallet jack could be an analogy as to the beginning of our life choices. When we come of age and start to make decisions on whom, and what we will allow to influence our lives.
Someone offered to help me operate the machinery, but instead I pride-fully refused the offer.
So, the short journey was hard, and much of the things I suffered along the way were unnecessary. At any time I could have chosen to stop, read the directions, and admit I needed help, but there’s that spirit of pride again, trying to influence my decisions. “I got it! I’m good!”
But I think most people realize that our life time is short in comparison to eternity, and at any moment we can stop resisting God’s help and allow Him to love us, direct us, help us, heal us, restore us and enjoy our life here with Him, as He comes to live inside of us when we choose Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
The Bible is timely, filled with truth, and the infallible word of God, whether a person chooses to believe it or not, it does not make it any less true.
I have seen/experienced His word working in my own life on a daily basis. Through it I have received His supernatural wisdom, a greater awareness of His presence, and His inward peace in my heart that surpasses all scholarly or worldly knowledge or understand.
His word gives me spiritual breath that breathes life into my soul (mind/will and emotions), and even my physical body as I receive and act on it by His faith given to me. (And each one of us is given the same measure of faith.)
“And God will wipe away every tear, from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Rev. 21:4
I believe that the reason God will have to wipe away our tears is not because life was so hard and tough for Christians here, so that we had to suffer through life only to limp into heaven ragged, broken and worn out vessels.
No, I believe it is because we will finally realize what was available to us here and now through His Holy Spirit. But for various reasons many chose not to believe and receive the full message of the Gospel.
I pray all of us will stop striving to do things in our own strength, and instead allow the Lord to give us revelation through His word, a deeper understanding of His love for us, and willingness to be apart of every moment of our lives. He wants to get involved, even in the seemingly trivial things. But we have to ask for help. And believe He is faithful to answer us.
I know some of you reading this are struggling with keeping God’s commandments. Like that pallet jack I was pulling and sweating over.
You are trying so hard, to please God. But the word of God will testify to you, faith is the only thing that pleases God.
By putting faith in His Son, our sweet Lord Jesus, who has fulfilled all of God’s commandments for you. Quit striving to pull your own weight, so to speak, rest in His finished work.
Find out everything that Jesus has done for you, and I promise you, you will live more Holy by accident then you ever did on purpose. That is the Gospel truth!
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 NKJV
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him.” Heb. 11:6
The reward is our intimate fellowship with our Heavenly Father, through His Son Jesus, the power of His written word, inspired by His Holy Spirit.
Contact Brenda Groves at: