During the French and Indian war (1754-1763) George Washington took command of British forces retreating from the Battle of Monongahela. In that retreat he had two horses shot out from under him, his hat shot off, and there were four bullet holes found in his clothing — not one entered Washington’s body. Later, he wrote his brother: “…by the all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability and expectation, for I had four bullets through my coat and two horses shot under me yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me.”
Fifteen years later an old Indian chief who was present at the battle met peacefully with Washington in those same Pennsylvania woods. The chief, who had been a leader of the French forces, retold the events of the day. He explained he’d ordered his braves to single out officers and shoot them. Washington was specifically targeted but without avail. The chief personally fired at Washington some seventeen times with his own rifle (a rife of which the chief said had never missed) without effect. He believed Washington was under the protection of the “Great Spirit” and instructed his men to stop firing at him.
On July 13th a gunman penetrated a security perimeter in Butler Pennsylvania and fired upon President Trump. Trump turned his head a split second before the bullet whizzed by his head hitting an ear. Reportedly a slight breeze arose at that moment moving the bullet’s path a quarter inch away from Trump’s head. Many believe a miracle saved his life. There’re two interesting similarities. First, both incidents happened in Western Pennsylvania, approximately 30 miles apart, and second, a life of a future president (in Trump’s case, a former president) was spared.
Two months later, in South Florida, another attempt was made on Trumps’ life. A Secret Service agent spotted a rifle sticking through a chain link fence along the golf course at a point giving the would-be assassin a direct line of sight to Trump. The agent opened fire and the assailant fled. He was later captured with the help of a civilian who reported the perp’s license plate number. In both cases, was it dumb luck or Devine interference that changed the events?
Is it possible that the hand of God is protecting Trump from being killed? It’s clear from American history, that Devine intervention has intervened at critical times — the Battle of Midway where US carriers sunk four Japanese carriers and turned the tide of the second world war in the Pacific; a sudden fog that concealed Washington’s troops evacuating the Island of Manhattan, only to lift after the evacuation was completed. Was there Devine intervention with Trump? You be the judge.
The left has unsuccessfully and attacked Trump even before he became the 45th President. They impeached him twice on trumped up charges (he was acquitted); they’ve tried “lawfare” indicting him numerous times on “creative” charges (most of the cases are being thrown out); they are even attempted to jail him. Yet, they’ve failed at every turn. Urged on by the left’s rhetoric, crazies have tried to assassinate him.
Violence whose goal is destruction is not the answer. The only acceptable solution is to trust the Lord, cast one’s ballot, and to believe His protection and unceasing watchful eye will ensure the outcome. If God’s hand is upon Donald Trump, like it was for Washington, efforts to eliminate him will fail.
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