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Hearing God’s Voice in 2024

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Hearing God’s Voice in 2024

Do you long to hear from God?

There are many things that can hinder our ability to hear from God.

If we have any unconfessed sin in our lives, it is a huge hindrance to hearing the voice of God, because God does not abide sin. 

 We live in a day and time when life is busy. Our to-do list is overflowing with an abundance of items from personal things, profession, and ministry. In fact, we can keep ourselves so busy that we don’t have time to spend with God, let alone wait on God. Now distractions and social media, TV, video games and other items and there’s so much noise it’s difficult to hear God.

We all have been given the Spirt of God. Seeking advice from others can never replace the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Sadly, it too easy for us to turn to others and ask their opinions and advice before going to God. God wants us to come directly to Him, unhindered, vulnerable, and available to listen when He speaks.

Pride is sin and It’s a mindset and attitude that says, “I don’t need God,” “I don’t need to hear from Him,” or “I can do it myself.” 

Struggling with doubt reveals our insecurities about God’s ability. Allowing doubt and unbelief into our lives can become hindrances to hearing God’s voice.

 When we doubt God, we doubt that He will speak to us, it creates a blockage in our hearts and minds. If we doubt the truths of God’s word, we need to confess and repent. Ask God for forgiveness and open our spiritual ears to hear from Him.

There are misunderstandings and wrong teachings that will form and shaped a pattern for us to not hear from God.

Hearing from God is founded in faith and belief. Fear and faith cannot co-exist. If we allow fear to take over, then faith gets pushed aside. Faith is from God and fear is from the enemy.

Shame makes us believe God would never speak to us, or we are unworthy, and these feelings can separate us from God. It’s imperative we fight against shame with confession, inner healing and standing on the truth.

 God’s Word is the primary way He communicates with us. By reading and meditating on His Word, you’ll become more familiar with His voice and His ways. As it says in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Prayer is a two-way conversation with God. Take time to be still and listen to His voice after you pray. As it says in Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God.

Listen to Godly counsel- Seek out wise and mature Christians whom you trust and ask them for their thoughts on a particular matter or situation. As it says in Proverbs 11:14, “Where there is no guidance, a people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”

Sometimes God speaks to us through circumstances and events of our lives. Look for patterns or connections that seem to point to His guidance or direction. As it says in Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

God can speak to you in many different ways, we need to be open and receptive to hearing His voice. Sometimes His message might come in a dream, a song, a verse of Scripture, or even a conversation with a stranger. As it says in John 10:27, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

Evaluate the spirits- If you think you’ve heard from God, make sure it lines up with Scripture and that it produces good fruit in your life. As it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 “Test everything; hold fast what is good.”

Committing ourselves in how to hear God’s voice. When you learn to hear from God, you can receive guidance, comfort, and direction in decisions, both big and small. You can also experience a deeper sense of God’s Presence.

Have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying and be faithful to obey God’s voice, trusting that He will lead you into all truth and righteousness John 16:13.

Learning how to hear God’s voice is an ongoing process of seeking, listening, learning, and growing over time. As you commit yourself to hearing from Him, you’ll experience a deeper intimacy with Him and a greater understanding of His will for your life. Let yourself be a faithful doer of God’s Word, listening for God’s voice and obeying His commands.

As you stay committed to hearing God’s voice, you will experience the guidance, comfort, and direction that only the Holy Spirit provides. As it says in Proverbs 3:6, “In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

Remember, God’s voice can come to you in many different ways, so be open to His leading. May you be like Samuel, who said, “Speak, for your servant is listening” 1 Samuel 3:10? May you have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to you, and may you be faithful to obey His voice, trusting that He will lead you into all truth and righteousness, in Jesus’ Name.


www.wwwmjesus.net Assoc: Pastor Wesley Fulton

429 Bayou Rd, La Marque, Tx.77568       Need prayer Ch. Ph: 409/933-9878

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