Let It Go 

by Publisher

Many years ago I heard a man share about a valuable lesson that he learned while trying to teach his son, a valuable lesson. 

He said it happened when the boy was about 3 years old. He had taken him to use a public restroom and when they were about to leave the child ran toward the door where he latched onto the doorknob and tried to himself. 

 The man tried to tell the boy that the door was to heavy for him to open and “let daddy help you.” 

 But stubbornly, the child had clamped his little hands around the knob and continued to struggle with the large door. This tug of war ensued as the 3 yr. old grunted and tried with all of his strength to open it like he had seen his dad do. 

All the while, his father was gently speaking to him, “Jonathan let daddy open it, the door’s too heavy for you son.” The man said that the child’s chubby little hands were clamped so tightly around the knob that he was afraid he might hurt him if he tried to force him let go.

He said at one point the boy even put one foot against the door as he leaned back and pulled with all his might. Lol! 

The man said that finally the child collapsed to the floor in a puddle of tears, so his dad reached down and scooped him up into his arms. 

 As the father was opening the door he suddenly heard the Lord speak softly to his own heart, “Son, I need you to take your hand off of some doorknobs in your life. Those doors are too heavy for you to open, but I can open them for you. Let go of it and trust Me.” 

The man said that he knew immediately what His Heavenly Father was referring to. He had been struggling to move forward in his ministry and he knew that the Lord was leading him in that direction, but it seemed that no matter how hard he tried all of his efforts were failing. 

You know, God is all powerful, but He is not all controlling. He gives us free will on how we will conduct our lives here on this earth. 

The man knew that he could open the door for his with ease, but if he clamped his huge hands around the young child’s and pulled he would have hurt the boy. So he had to wait until his son finally let go before he could open it for him. 

God is not going to force any one of us to do anything. The devil is the one who pushes us into making decisions out of fear or urgency, but the Holy Spirit will lead us the way we should go. He opens doors and gives us free will to follow His lead (word) and walk through them. 

As I’ve said before, I got born again in 1996 and met this wonderful Savior. But it is only when I began seeking the Lord with all of my heart by reading His word and spending time with Him that I began to trust Him with my life. Not just my eternal well-being, but day-to-day decisions, both big and small. 

I believe some of you reading this today can identify with this example of the man with his son. You have been trying so hard to make some changes in your life or see situations turn around, but your Heavenly Father wants you to let go of these struggles and trust Him to take care of it. 

I am speaking this in love but you need to let go of some things in your life, quit worrying about them, and get out of the way so that He can open those doors for you. 

You may even have been professing the right things, praying in faith and spiritually taking a stand against the opposition and that’s all good, but it’s time to let go of it, and give it over to the Lord. 

 Our Heavenly Father can “open doors that no one can shut and shuts doors that no one can open.” 

So, “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God, and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” 

And realize that as long as we keep trying to do things on our own, “… God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble, therefore humble yourselves under the mighty HAND of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” 

Because, “when you are weak, He is strong,” Learn to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths.” 

And your Abba Father (daddy) “will keep you in perfect peace, because your mind is stayed on Him, because you trust in Him.”

(Rev. 3:7, Philippians 4:6-7, 1 Peter 5:6-7, 2 Cor. 2:10, Proverbs 3:5-6, Isaiah 26:3. Caps mine.)

Contact Brenda Groves at: bkgroves1996@yahoo.com 

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