I was proud to witness the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of the United States, marking the beginning of the Golden Age of America. The American people issued a clear mandate for change, and President Trump and I are already working tirelessly to usher in a new era of American prosperity and strength for our nation. With a Republican President, a Republican House, and a Republican Senate we will secure our borders, rebuild our economy, and restore America’s place as the beacon of freedom for the world.
Under the Trump administration, we have already taken strides to uphold and protect freedom of speech. During President Biden’s time in office, I held his administration accountable by demanding answers from Attorney General Merrick Garland on the Department of Justice’s troubling actions to spy on and prosecute pro-life groups. This week, President Trump pardoned 21 pro-life prisoners who were unjustly targeted by the Biden administration. This is a pivotal moment for the pro-life movement and reaffirms our country’s commitment to defending liberty.
ICYMI: President Donald Trump Signs Pardons for 23 Pro-Life Americans
For fifty-two years, the March for Life has united millions of Americans from every race, background, and creed in the fight to protect the dignity of every human life. I was proud to join my Senate Republican colleagues in addressing everyone marching in our nation’s capital. I am confident that the dedication of the pro-life movement will continue to inspire our great country.
READ: Republican senators issue warning to historic museums ahead of pro-life march: ‘Respect’ free speech
“To everyone marching in our nation’s capital today to protect the sanctity of human life—thank you. There is power in numbers, and together we must continue to use our voices to uphold the values that define our nation: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. May the unwavering dedication of the pro-life movement inspire the nation and instill a culture that values and protects the dignity of every human life.”
This week in the Senate, I worked alongside my colleagues to push the confirmation process forward on several of President Trump’s nominees. As the Chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee I am confident that Sean Duffy is the kind of consensus-driven leader we need to oversee the Department of Transportation. His nomination was unanimously reported out of the committee and is now headed to the full Senate floor for confirmation.
“If confirmed, Congressman, Duffy will take the helm of a Department of more than 55,000 employees, leading the administration’s efforts to make it easier and faster for families, commuters, truckers, and flyers, to get around without running into traffic, potholes, or delays. … [Congressman Duffy] knows what American families face in their daily lives and how important safety is too. In many ways. He embodies the revolution of common sense that President Trump has called for.”
As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I questioned President Trump’s nominee for U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik. She has promised to work with the House, Senate, and White House to ensure UNRWA is defunded. America will no longer fund terrorist organizations.
“Congresswoman, Congratulations on your nomination. You’re going to be terrific. … You and I talked about the deep rot in the United Nations when it comes to supporting terrorism against America and our allies, especially Israel. UNRWA has, for decades, provided material support for Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza. The World Health Organization has also been deeply complicit in the use of hospitals by Hamas for terrorist activities, including for the holding of hostages. The complicity of these organizations deepened after October 7, the Biden administration embraced UNRWA and the World Health Organization. … Last Congress, I introduced the LIABLE Act … [which would] allow American victims of terrorism and their families to sue international organizations that support terrorism. I will soon reintroduce it in this Congress. What is your understanding of the role these organizations have played in facilitating terrorism against Americans, Israelis, and our allies.”
This week, I also went before the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry to introduce President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Agriculture, Brooke Rollins. As a lifelong Texan, Brooke understands the heartbeat of rural America. I have spoken with her, at length, about the droughts inflicting South Texas farmers and ranchers. I have no doubt that she will work hard to ensure that Mexico fulfills its obligations under the 1944 Water Treaty, safeguarding the livelihoods of agricultural communities in our region and setting a strong precedent for addressing the challenges facing American producers nationwide.
“Brooke Rollins, as a nominee to be Secretary of Agriculture, is an extraordinary choice. … Farmers and ranchers in America right now are facing extraordinary challenges that are putting their livelihoods at risk, their families at risk, and their ability to provide food, fiber, and clothing for the American people at risk. … In South Texas, we face historic droughts, and yet our neighbor, the nation of Mexico, is in brazen violation of the 1944 water treaty that obligates it to provide water each year to the people of South Texas. I have no doubt that soon-to-be Secretary Rollins will be a ferocious advocate for those South Texas farmers, just as she is a ferocious advocate for farmers and ranchers in every one of your states and all across the country.”
Rest assured, I will work with the Trump administration to execute the objectives the American people elected us to change. God Bless!
Keep Texas Strong,