Home NewsCommunityInspirations SUDDENLY DECEMBER


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Through the years of my column I have talked

about the ‘suddenlies’ before; those unexpected

life events that come from out of nowhere

and hit you right between the eyes and can

also break your heart. They can be an illness,

a death, a divorce,a job loss or some other un expected

difficulty that you suddenly find yourself

navigating your way through. When they happen, it changes every aspect

of your life. Those changes can bring out the worst in many of us. Our stress

levels rise and anxiety takes hold. Now, here we are in the middle of the holiday

season, too. How are you going to maintain all of your responsibilities and

deal emotionally and physically with everything that is happening in your life?

Honestly,you can’t always do it all. It’s time to prioritize and stick to it,but be

flexible because things will change. Also, it’s time to learn to apply patience

like never before. If you don’t, the stress will make you

sick, or sicker. Give that gift to yourself this holiday season

if you find you are in a suddenly situation. Say no

when you need to without worry of explanation. Walk

away. Give yourself moments, or an hour,or a day, and

absolutely give up the guilt. Guilt is not allowed. Sud denlies

happen. They have happened to me and I am

still finding my way through them. It can take a while

depending on what your suddenlies are. Holidays can

intensify them. Face them, embrace them, and remember

you are strong enough, even when you feel like

you’re not.

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