Feeling Groovy

by Ruth Ann Ruiz

By Ruth Ann Ruiz

The Post Newspaper Features Editor

Word has gotten out; Music Box South is in Galveston County. The ensemble performed to a full house with their opening night of Feeling Groovy on Thursday at The Blue Lagoon Bar and Grill in Texas City. 

 Music from the 60’s and 70’s along with comedic skits with hints at a very famous outdoor music festival kept the audience laughing and clapping. 

True to their commitment, if one song was not your style, they were moving and grooving to a different song that might be just what you enjoy. Barry Manilow’s work, the Beach Boys, and the Beatles were all represented. 

Intense laughter ensued when the performers shed comedic light on days gone by when a telephone operator was part of daily life. Then came silence from the audience as the vocalist’s voice floated out, “Operator, won’t you help me place this call.” 

“Wow” was the simple expression from audience members as the vocalist completed Jim Croce’s song. True to the original version, an acoustic guitar had accompanied the singing voice. 

Music Box South will be performing Feeling Groovy Thursday evenings through September 19 at The Blue Lagoon Bar and Grill in Lago Mar. 

For more information about Music Box South, you can find them at:  https://www.themusicboxtheater.com/musicboxsouth

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