By Ruth Ann Ruiz
The Post Newspaper Features Editor
Aubri a kindergartener at Ignite Community School in La Marque, was all smiles at the end of the fall festival. She reported the hayride was her favorite part of the evening.
The hayride was in the back field where a parent volunteer, John, served as the coachman for the children’s rides.
“It’s been a great evening,” John said. “I’ve been going nonstop all evening.”
He went on to explain that safety had been a top priority and every trip around the field had a parent on board.
Just around the corner from the hayride was the haunted house. From there came children’s happy screeches as they explored the creepy creations of staff and volunteers.
Some of the older students thought the haunted house was a lot of fun and went in it at least 12 times, reported one of the sixth-grade boys. They said it wasn’t scary. They just had fun with the displays designed to frighten.
Mr. Coffey, who teaches third and fourth grade at Ignite, had a line of children waiting for their faces to be painted, even though it was 7:30 p.m., which was the stated end of the festival.
The evening started as the sun was setting, and children lined up to find their way inside and explore what was waiting for them. There were numerous child-favorite food options, including snow cones, roasted marshmallows, hot dogs and nachos, along with automobile trunks filled with treats for the children.
One group of ladies representing Zeta Phi Beta Alpha Theta Zeta Chapter of Galveston were eager to add to the cheer of the evening, so some of the ladies had driven in from as far away as Pearland to participate in the evening’s fun.
This was the school’s second fall festival. The school’s director and assistant director both reported this year’s event had a larger turn out than they had expected that they plan to host a fall festival again next year.