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An Entertaining Blast From The Recent Past

by Ruth Ann Ruiz


By Ruth Ann Ruiz

The Post Newspaper Features Editor 

The television characters on “Friends” sat in their coffee shop making small talk, discussing nothing of substance. Steve Urkel rattled off his famous question, “Did I do that?” “X-Files” was capturing the attention of the sci-fi audience and Will Smith was a rising star.

 Life was bouncy and bubbly, and everything was always “Saved by The Bell.”

It’s a time in history that may seem like just yesterday, but it’s indeed three decades in the past. It’s the 1990s.  As a nation we tended to believe we were invincible, we were still a bit innocent, and one might say naïve. We didn’t have access to millions of pieces of information held in our hands.

If you need to be transported back to a time when life seemed less anxious and less edgy, get yourself some tickets to go see “The 90s Experience” by Music Box South. Most of the vocalists/performers grew up in the 90s, and you almost feel they aren’t acting but just being themselves as they banter between songs.  

Being in the audience for “The 90s Experience” is kind of like hanging out with your buddies, just enjoying life. In fact, at times, you might feel like Joey or Chandler from “Friends” is standing right in front of you, or maybe Helen Hunt is about to come through a door.

The youngest member of the troupe takes jabs at the more mature performers with her reminders that she can’t reminisce with them about their 90s experiences because her adolescent years came just a little bit after the 90s.

Even if you have not memorized the lyrics of the songs from the 90s, the mood of the 90s is one that feels good, and the Music Box South performers deliver a relaxing evening of good feelings with 18 musical selections and their comedic talents.

Music Box South performs Thursdays at 7 p.m. at the Blue Lagoon Bar and Grill in Lago Mar. Arrive early and enjoy a light meal before the show.

For more information, go to https://www.themusicboxtheater.com/musicboxsouth.

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