By Brenda Groves
The Post Newspaper Contributing Writer
Dear Readers, a few weeks ago we encountered a severe storm in the Angleton area where we live. Our house did not receive any damage, but sadly, several other’s did. Mainly from fallen trees and branches. So, it is in my heart to share this experience with you again that happened to my hubby and I a long time ago. The Lord does not send the storms, but we can learn from them.
One evening many years ago, my husband and I were dining out when an approaching storm knocked the power off in the restaurant. For a brief moment there was silence as everyone froze in place.
Out of the semi-darkness I heard my sweet hubbies voice quite clearly, “Does this mean we’re not gonna get our dinner?”
Several people chuckled, including myself, and the power came back on shortly after.
On our way home an awesome lightening display was happening all around us. I don’t believe I have ever witnessed that many strikes at one time.
Just as we entered the house the storm struck with fierce howling winds, while golf ball sized hail pounded against the windows. This storm was so violent, and unlike any thunderstorm that I had experienced in recent memory.
I could hear debris hitting our home and I received a text message from a close friend warning us, “There’s tornado’s in the area! Pray!”
My husband went into the kitchen and was watching it through the storm door. “Come here, you gotta see this!”
To which I hastily replied, “I don’t think that’s why they call it a storm door. Get away from there.”
I went into the hallway and tried not to let my emotions give into fear of what I could hear. I began to thank Father God for His goodness, and I told the storm, “Peace- be still!” A familiar calm started to settle over me as the Holy Spirit began to comfort me.
Suddenly, I heard a loud noise in the living room, and I heard my husband yelling at me over the racket.
The fierce winds had blown our front door wide open; rain, leaves and small debris were flying into our home. Golf ball size chunks of hail were skidding across the ceramic tile, clear to the other side of the room, sliding under our sofa and landing against the wall.
With a look of bewilderment on his face my husband was shouting at me over the noise, “Brenda, WHY did you open the door!!!”
In self-defense I yelled back, “I DIDN’T OPEN THE DOOR! Why would I do that?” And he asked again. I hollered back.
All the while, more hail and rain mixed with dirt and leaves blew into our living room!
This “discussion” went on for a few more seconds when, finally, we both came to our senses, and together we crossed the room, shut the front door, secured the lock, and began to clean up the mess.
The storm blew over quickly, and praise God we didn’t have any damage to the house. (And not one cracked window or dent on our vehicles parked outside. I really believe it was God’s supernatural protection.)
But as we cleaned up from the confusion of the storm the Lord spoke this to my heart.
“Brenda, stop arguing about who let the storm in, just come together and shut the door.”
I stopped in my tracks because I knew immediately what the Lord was showing me.
Many times, husbands and wives are so caught up on blaming each other for the problems (storms) in their marriages, where Satan is the one behind the scenes stirring up strife and confusion. Satan is the author of strife and confusion in our lives, and it is one of his greatest deceptions to move about behind the scenes. And to remain unseen or in disguise.
All the while all this debris (hurtful words/actions) are flying between you both, and giving the devil an opportunity to “steal, kill, and destroy” your home/family.
Everywhere self is exalted in marriage that is not of God. “Love is not provoked.” The “love” Chapter in 1 Cor. 13, sheds light on God’s kind of love.
Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained by God and resides under His covenant/blessing. This is a powerful force. So, Satan wants to bring division between husbands and wife’s.
“But Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. Matt: 12:25
“Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” Amos 3:3
Obviously, the answer is no.
“Again, I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” (Matt: 18:19)
When a marriage is in agreement with God’s word and they are allowing the Holy Spirit to lead them that is when, “God’s kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” in their marriage and throughout the entire family.
But even if your spouse does not recognize the spiritual battle going on, and they are not resisting the enemy working in their lives, you can come into agreement with the word of God, and allow His Holy Spirit to give you wisdom, comfort, joy, and peace.
And every time the “door” flies open in you “house” (marriage) you can (spiritually) shut that door through the power of the Holy Spirit flowing through you.
James 4:7 declares that we can choose to “submit to God, resist the Devil, (actively fight against it him), by speaking life and God’s love into that situation, and see him flee.
How do we overcome evil? With good. (Romans 12:21) Because this is so important that we don’t let someone’s sin against us, reproduce sin in us.
Open the door of your heart and let Jesus come in to the midst of your storms.
A threefold cord is not easily broken. (Eccl. 4:9-12)
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, all three separate yet all three One- working together in agreement with us to SHUT THAT DOOR!
He calms the storm,
So that its waves are still. (Psalms 107:29)
(Mark 4:39; Matt. 6:10)
Contact Brenda Groves at: