Home NewsCommunityEvents Join the Texas City-La Marque Chamber for a Du Bon Temps as we commemorate a successful year of partnership and development. 

Join the Texas City-La Marque Chamber for a Du Bon Temps as we commemorate a successful year of partnership and development. 

by Publisher

It’s a C’est Le Vie (such is life) Affair filled with rich decor, délicieux cuisine, and syncopated rhythms.   

It will be an evening to reflect and acknowledge individuals and companies in the following categories who exemplify servitude, integrity and fulfillment of their mission and visions.   

       Large Business 

        Small Business 

        Citizen of the Year 

       “Jimmy Hayley” Community Service Award 

Get ready to “Amusons-Nous un Peu”!

Every year citizens and businesses are nominated for the prestigious awards listed below. These four major awards will be presented at the gala.  Make your Nomination Today Below! 

  • 2024 Citizen of the Year – an individual (or couple) whose volunteerism and outstanding service and dedication have made a significant contribution to our communities over the past year. Nominate for Citizen of the Year
  • Jimmy Hayley Community Service Awardsomeone who has continually demonstrated an unselfish commitment to the community over several years. Nominate for “Jimmy Hayley” Community Service Award
  • Small Business of the Year – A local business with less than 150 employees that has demonstrated community involvement, customer service, and had special accomplishments in 2024. Nominate for Small Business of the Year
  • Large Business of the Year – A local business with more than 150 employees that has demonstrated community involvement, customer service, and had special accomplishments during 2024. Nominate for Large Business

The banquet program includes the installation of new Chamber officers and directors.

The Chamber Annual Gala will take place on Thursday, February 27 at the Doyle Convention Center in Texas City.

Please come dressed in:

After Five | Evening Attire | Themed Attire

Entertainment Sponsor:  Reserved seating for 16 guests at front row tables, admission to VIP reception for all guests, ½ page ad in event program, recognition in print and online promotions, verbal acknowledgement at event, company logo on event website page for a year, recognition sign on stage and at venue entrance, and 2 bottles of wine at tables.

Presenting Sponsor:  Reserved seating for 24 guests at front row tables, admission to VIP reception, ½ page ad in event program, recognition in print and online promotions, verbal acknowledgement at event, company logo on event website page for a year, recognition sign at entrance, and 2 bottles of wine at tables.

Centerpiece Sponsor:   Reserved seating for 16 guests at a premium location, admission to VIP reception, company name and logo displayed on centerpiece, recognition in print and online promotions, business card size ad in program, company logo on event website page for a year and two bottles of wine at table.

VIP Sponsor:  Reserved seating for 8 guests at a premium location, admission to VIP reception, recognition in print and online promotions, business card size ad in program, company logo on event website page for a year and two bottles of wine at table.

Reserved Table:  Reserved seating for 8 guests, recognition in all print and online promotions and company logo on event website page for a year.

Individual Ticket:  Open seating, starting at 6:30pm.           

We look forward to seeing you at the Gala!

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